Fresh Frooters can supply you with fresh figs wholesale or retail in Zakynthos at the best prices! Contact us.

The fig tree is one of the oldest trees cultivated by man (7000 BC in Jericho) and the first tree mentioned in the Bible, hence the fig leaf of the first ones. They were first cultivated in Egypt, from where they were transported to Crete and the rest of Greece, around 1500 BC. and were a staple food in their traditional diet.

Figs have potassium and magnesium, and therefore help keep blood pressure at normal levels, while fiber lowers cholesterol levels. Their calcium and potassium content shields the bones and prevents diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and osteopenia. It is rich in vitamin K, C, manganese, magnesium, polyphenols and flavonoids shielding our immune system. Finally, figs contain a lot of sugar, giving several calories to the body (100 g of fresh figs give about 100 calories while 100 g of dried figs about 275).

You can eat them plain, but you can also add them to your dessert or salad. It also becomes a wonderful dessert.